Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Roll and Rock your Face Off!

The Rage City Rollergirls debuted in exhibition last weekend. I can easily say this is a sport made for me. From what I can tell, you push other girls around a lot, wear fun costumes and nobody minds when you fall down.

I am great at falling down. Plus, I used to skate and I try to wear a helmet whenever possible.

Moreover, I think there's a family legacy at stake. At the age of about 85 my 98-pound grandmother told me she once tried out for the roller derby. This blew my 14-year-old mind. Having never met a coked-out supermodel or Roloff, she was the smallest person I had ever seen in real life. I couldn't imagine she would survive in the roller derby. I guess coaches couldn't either since she didn't make the cut.

Maybe her problem was that she didn't have a great roller derby name -- Nihilist Nina, or perhaps Slamma-Jamma Gramma (though I'm pretty sure she wasn't a grandmother when she tried out).

It seems clear to me that my best shot at making it in roller derby is having a great name -- Minnesota Slice, Minnesota Phatts (Though that invites some nasty comments), Big Thrill from Government Hill ...

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