It would be hypocritical for me to pretend I'm not part of the problem as I sit writing my blog. I spend hours on Facebook and live and die by Google Chat. I've embraced the trend but am curious about what's to come.
I guess sites like babyspot and bundlo have some answers. It's not suprising, parents love pimping pictures and information about their children. In fact, I'm guessing it's a cathartic thing for mothers and fathers who stay home all day with a baby. It's a great way to reach out to the world while Jon and Kate Plus 8 is on commercial.

But I've got to say it creeps me out. Social networking was, until recently, a place for perverts, drunks, nerds and college kids (well limiting it to just perverts, drunks and nerds pretty much covers all college kids). Now people can make profiles for their dogs and cats too. It's simply too much.
I propose a ban on all social networking that isn't meant to find a hook-up (alcohol, drug, sexual or technological). Your dog will never know he's got 60 friends on dogster and your baby is more enthralled with the box your computer came in than updating their profile.
Let your kid be a kid. You'll have soooo many other opportunities to screw up their lives, why humiliate them online before their second birthday. With or without your help, your children will belong to the most documented generation in history.
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